


The cereals program research focus at the University of Guelph spans the entire cereal grain market value chain with an emphasis on issues that are of economic importance to Ontario. We approach research topics from a holistic standpoint, integrating expertise in plant science and genetics, agronomy, cereal science, sensory science, and nutrition as necessary to generate a more complete understanding of the technical issues facing the cereals industry.

Research projects are designed based on the needs of the Ontario cereal industry and can be proprietary to a single company or collective to the OCIRC membership. Collective OCIRC projects are concentrated on the three research priorities identified by the membership:

  1. Winter wheat quality,
  2. Health and wellness, and
  3. Flour blend functionality.

These collective projects are funded by the entire council on the basis that they benefit the industry as a whole. Matching funds from provincial and federal initiatives for these projects make it possible to tackle more complex issues from a comprehensive standpoint, leading to commercial breakthroughs. Proprietary projects are flexible in focus and individually funded by the interested company. Small matching funds can be obtained as necessary for additional support.

Technical Problem Solving

In addition to formal research activities, we have experience troubleshooting the various technical difficulties arising in milling and processing operations. In addition to our ability to conduct on-site data collection and research trials, we also have pilot-scale bakery facilities and analytical equipment to conduct an in-depth investigation of the underlying mechanism(s) behind process and product issues.


Contact Dr. Iris Joye at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

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